new version

Other features are restricted to users of AVG's paid upgrades. The paid upgrade version of AVG Anti-Virus 2011 distinguishes itself by offering chat link shield, a download scan for files sent via instant message that looks at all ports, not just port 80, and telephone support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The PC Analyzer option mentioned earlier is also included, and comes without restrictions. AVG Internet Security 2011 includes all that AVG Anti-Virus 2011 offers, and adds in a firewall and antispam protections.

AVG claims the scans in the new version of AVG Free are three times faster than last year's, and its system performance impact turned out to be about average, once the computer had finished booting. CNET Labs' benchmarks found that AVG Anti-Virus Free 2011 had the greatest impact on computer boot time of any security suite we've looked at so far this year, slowing our test computer's start-up by more than 13 seconds. However, it also had the smallest impact on computer shutdown time, adding barely one-third of a second. AVG Free has one of the fastest scan times we've seen yet for 2011 suites, completing its first scan in 548 seconds.

*All tests measures in seconds, except for Cinebench. On the Cinebench test, the higher number is better.

In our other tests, it was a bit slower than the median. MS Office performance, Cinebench, and media multitasking were slightly below average, whereas iTunes decoding was right at the average speed. Overall, you're looking at a much slower start-up, fast scans, a minimal impact on shutdown, and a midrange hit to general system performance with AVG Free.

It's harder to judge the efficacy of AVG Anti-Virus Free 2011 because independent tests are only available for the previous years' editions, and the security engine has substantially changed to pull it in line with the engine in the paid upgrades, according to the company. Looking at benchmarks only for the 2010 versions of AVG's paid suites, we can see that they scored higher depending on the test.

In the test on Windows 7 from the second quarter of 2010, AVG Internet Security 9 (version 2010) scored 14.5 out of 18 overall. Other competitors scored higher, although AVG did earn a 5.5 rating out of 6 in Protection. (It scored a 4 in Repair and a 5 in Usability.) Norton, G-Data Internet Security 2010, and Panda Internet Security 2010 were the only suites to score that high in the Protection category.

With AVG Anti-Virus 9 (version 2010), found that it could have performed better. In the August 2010 On-demand Detection of Malicious Software test, AVG only earned the rank of Advanced, not Advanced+, with many false positives found, an average scanning speed, and a detection rate of 98.3 percent. The same test from February 2010 saw AVG earn the same rank, with few false positives, an average scanning speed, and a detection rate of 94.2 percent.

For what it's worth, Dennis Technology Labs, a member of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organisation (AMTSO), found in August 2010 that AVG Anti-Virus Free 9 (version 2010) earned an overall protection score of 45 (PDF), below average.

It is AVG's hope that changes to the detection engine in AVG Free will improve its scores, but for right now it's hard to give it the highest rating possible. Still, the efficacy scores are similar to AVG Free's benchmarks: strong in some tests, weaker in others, but with indications that there have been big gains made this year.


Besides the feature limitations of AVG Anti-Virus Free when compared with AVG's paid upgrades, the suite continues to offer an excellent if not perfect level of security as it faces more intense competition from other free and paid security suite makers. Fans of AVG will definitely want to upgrade, and new users should consider it if they're looking for an effective freeware solution with solid link-evaluating features.

Watch the CNET video review of AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011:

Cons: Link scanner is a pain. It works but it's annoying. Dropped support for win2000. They just wont let you install it. I don't get it.

Summary: I used this for many years and had no problems. It started getting bloated past year or so. Started getting buggy and had to remove it. Could not get the new version cause of my old OS. I moved over to AVAST. That works great and much less intrusive.

Summary: first thing i would like to say is, in this day of terabyte hdd,s the programme planners know this and just keep adding and adding to the size of thier programmes, But to what avail?. The ordinary day to day user of a computer that wants to enjoy just using and enjoying a P,C, but finds that thier hard drive is now more filled with the size of the programs than room left for what they want to fill it up with?, Surely, there must be ones out there like myself who feel disappointed in AVG, look at the increase in the download size now?, where will it end?.. I know the viruses need controlled, but is this the future of using a P.C?. being forced to fill up a hard drive with mostly additions of progs that we feel we will never need?. . If I ever noticed a suspicious virus problem. I just re-installed the O.S, (making sure all needed data was saved on another hard drive long beforehand)..Doesnt take long nowadays to re-install. and it makes P,C run as it did at new,...Ohh, just changed to Free Avast, when latest Avg appeared. and so far, am very happy with it, .Thats my pennysworth, for what its worth, R,I,P avg

Pros: AVG has always protected my computer. I am thinking about buying the software for the upgraded version. It always detects problems when it scans and gives me the options I have to fix them. I would highly recommend this product to everyone.

Cons: None at all

Summary: I work in IT and one of my coworkers told me about it. He knows a lot more about computers than I do. Definitely thankful for his suggestion to try out AVG. Very satisfied customer.

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