Grating large quantities


Grating large quantities – not just of breadcrumbs – can be hard work by hand. A good processor will have a grating disc with various different settings so you can grate cheese and vegetables. It makes light work of something really hard, such as fresh coconut, and if you need a large amount of freshly grated Parmesan, it is all speedily and easily done.


I have to confess that, although I like the idea of hand-kneading bread dough, it does rather sap your strength. So if you want the easiest home-baked bread in the world, it's absolute bliss to let the processor, fitted with a special dough attachment, do all the hard work for you while you get on with something else. But there's a warning here: in some processors the dough attachment does not operate very effectively and the processor can end up doing a shuddering dance all along the work surface. The most solid ones, therefore, are the best.

What doesn't a processor do?

Number one on this list is mashed potatoes. It seems logical that a processor should do this, I know, but absolutely not. Something happens to them in a processor that makes them gloopy and glue-like – not nice at all.

Although you can make cakes (such as sponge cakes) with a processor, I feel the space inside the bowl is too confined and doesn't let the air in. So I personally wouldn't choose to make a cake in mine.

The same applies to whisking: there is a whisk attachment that allows you to whisk egg whites but, again, I feel I'm not going to get as much air in. However, this is a personal preference – you need to discover for yourself.

As for herbs, I feel a good sharp knife makes a better job of chopping herbs on their own (herbs added to other mixtures are fine). The processor can overdo the job and make them rather wet and soggy.

Soups can be puréed in a processor, and it's good if you want a coarser texture, but it can only be done in very small quantities or it spills over and becomes very messy.

Checklist before you buy a processor

Have you got room to spare? Having it plugged in and ready to go is vital – if it's stashed away in a store cupboard you won't want to be bothered.

As I said earlier, it's worth investing in the best. You could begin with a smaller, cheaper model, but I think a good-sized, powerfully motored, top-of-the-range version will serve you best in the long run.

Watch where the blades are: when you buy a processor the blades need to be as low down as possible. Check the level of the blades as they sit in the bowl; the higher they are, the less effective the machine, because a small quantity of ingredients will just sit in the bottom with the blades merrily whizzing above and the two never meeting! I have found the Magimix 5100 to be the best processor.

Finding the Best Food Processor for Specific Tasks

There are basic appliances that are expected in the kitchen that homeowners can’t possibly live without. There are also those that are not as important as the others in the sense that they people can still survive without them. However, such appliances would make certain activities expected in the kitchen a lot easier. The food processor is an example of an additional appliance that homemakers can take advantage of. At a glance, it makes the tasks of chopping, mincing, slicing and shredding varied food items fast and easy but there is so much more that it can do.

Some try and use a blender but will realize that it is simply not made for the task. Using a blender would lead to a number of problems for the homemaker. Because of its deep container, it would be very difficult to get the food off the glass or plastic container. It would also be difficult to get most of the food items out without removing the blades underneath. Otherwise, homeowners would end up wasting a lot of what they processed in it. Some would argue that it can still be used with processing that would have some liquid in it but the consistency would be far too smooth for it to work. Obviously, it is made for making smoothies and shakes.

Once a homeowner has decided that a food processor is needed in the kitchen, they are faced with a new dilemma. The number of available brands and models make it difficult to choose which the best food processor is. With the number of different kinds of food processors in the market, it would be very confusing for buyers especially for the first timers. To make it easier to find what they are looking for, it is recommended to understand the different features that food processors have to offer.

The capacity would have weight on the best food processors a homeowner can buy. A bigger or smaller capacity would dictate on the power needed and the amount of food prepared at one time. If the capacity of a food processor is perfectly suitable based on the cooking lifestyle of the homeowner, then it would be more economical. It would be important to assess how often fresh foods are prepared and how big the family is.

The best food processor would only be equipped with stainless steel blades. People may notice that there would be very cheap food processors available but if it means developing rust on the blades sooner, they know that they should not even bother. Different kinds of blades may be required for the different mechanisms the food processor can offer. Homeowners should check on which they would find most useful according to the different viands they prepare in the kitchen. The number and size of the feeding tube should also be considered as the ones equipped with smaller tubes would require people to slice food into smaller bits before they can be placed into the food processor. Other features of a food processor may include having a smaller bowl with blades, a juicer, a kneader and a beater. Those would make the processor even more useful than it already is.

Best Food Processor – Food Processor Reviews

Hello, welcome to my Food Processor Reviews & Best Food Processor blog. I’m Kristine who juggles the role of a career woman and a loving mom. To find out why I’m recommending food processors, read my story here. Most of the best food processors that I reviewed are best rated food processors recommended by magazines, consumer reports and home users reviews at Amazon. I hope you can find information to help you buy a best food processor here!

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