The Custom Program

Enroll in an Executive Education program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and you will be taught by the most published and most cited business school faculty in the world! The programs at Wharton are designed to help you translate your classroom experience into observable and ongoing outcomes in your work environment. This is known as the Wharton Learning Continuum.

The Custom Program at Wharton extends beyond the usual few days or weeks of classroom learning and tracks your progress and the goals that you have attained, after leaving the classroom. This includes impact reports, individual coaching, and manager’s briefing.

Because of Wharton’s dedication to Impact Through Education™, their learning continuum helps to prepare you in returning to work and incorporating what you have learned through the executive program. Visit today to learn more about Wharton’s Approach to executive education, and to find what you can learn from them.

Columbia Business School

Don’t get left behind as the business world moves forward. When you enroll in an Executive Education program at Columbia Business School, you will be able to stay updated on the latest changes in the business world and to effectively lead your business through them.

You can choose to enroll in an Open Program or a Custom Program, depending on what your needs may be. The Open Program includes courses that are specifically designed for certain management levels and subject areas. The Custom Program is a better choice for you if an entire division, or the company itself, is experiencing problems. Through the program you will work with the faculty to develop solutions and observe the results.

When you complete 18 Executive Education program days, you will be able to earn the Certificate in Business Excellence (CIBE). The CIBE is exclusive to Columbia Business School and grants you alumni benefits, such as global networking opportunities and eligibility to join a Columbia Business School alumni club.

To find out more about how the Executive Education programs at Columbia Business School can benefit you and your business, visit today.

Tuck Business School

Get the results you want as you move forward in the rapidly changing environment of business. The Executive Education program at Tuck Business School is engineered to prepare you in facing new challenges and finding innovative solutions for them. Located on the Dartmouth College campus, Tuck offers open programs, custom programs, and programs that are designed to specifically for certain audiences.

Tuck’s Executive Education programs and faculty place primary emphasis on the client and their needs. Even the open programs that have a more general curriculum, still maintain an intimate and personal experience. The partnership that is formed through Tuck’s custom programs is a result of their cyclic process: assess the business context, design and develop the program, deliver program modules, and conduct program follow-up.

In addition to the open programs and custom engagements that Tuck offers, there are executive education programs that have been designed with specific audiences in mind. Over 25 years ago, Tuck was the first business school to offer programs that were designed to meet the needs of minority entrepreneurs. Now, Tuck also offers programs intended for those interested in re-entering the business world, for women, and also the Tuck Business Bridge Program®, intended for liberal arts and sciences undergraduates.

Visit today to discover which program is the right choice for you and your company.

New York University Stern School of Business

Improve your performance and that of your company when you decide to take an Executive Education program at New York University Stern School of Business. Whether you want to achieve immediate results with minimal time away from your job or are looking to invest in long-term improvements, there is a program at the Stern School for you. You can attend the open enrollment programs at NYU Stern School campus in Greenwich Village, or choose a global location of your choice if you are interested in the custom programs.

If you are looking to spend only a few days learning more about a certain topic, then NYU Stern’s open enrollment programs would be the best choice for you. They are generally only 2 or 3 days and focus on the following topics of interest: leadership & management, strategy, financing and accounting, marketing, and investing. If you want a program that is structured around your company’s particular interests or areas of conflict, then you may want to look in their custom programs. To ensure that your company can take full advantage of all available resources, you are accompanied with a dedicated manager through your custom program, and also receive assistance from faculty of various disciples.

Visit today if you are interested in adding value to your company!

Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business

At Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, you can learn innovative methods for adapting with the rapidly changing business environment and for solving problems facing your company. Their Executive Education programs are designed to prepare you for the changes that you will have to strategically create solutions for. At Stanford’s Executive Education Programs you will be taught by a world-renowned faculty, including 3 Nobel laureates and 4 members of the National Academy of Sciences.

The executive education programs that are offered at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business range from general or financial management to technology and operations. They have programs that provide senior executives with the tools to continue advancing their companies in the global markets and others that introduce new approaches to attaining and encouraging environmental sustainability. Some of their new programs include an Executive Program for Women Leaders and a Cisco Supply Chain Leadership Institute. In addition to these programs, you can also choose to partner with Stanford Executive Education and design a custom program that targets your company’s interests and conflict areas.

To learn more about the Stanford Executive Education experience, visit today.
